Lovely rabbit Ngaew Ngaew always love spending leisure time with NGEAW and NGUI at home. They have unlimited creative ideas in their mind. Sometimes they have fun, while sometimes they get angry with each others. They all believe that it is always better together!
Product name: NGAEW NGAEW Blind Box Set
Artist: PANG
Styles: Each set includes 3 pcs of figures:
1 rabbit NGAEW NGAEW, 1 dino NGEAW and 1 wolf NGUI.
Customers will have chance to get the secret version of rabbit NGAEW NGAEW, the normal version will then be replaced.
Size: Dino NGEAW 67mm tall; Rabbit NGAEW NGAEW 65mm tall; Wolf NGUI 59mm tall
Material: Vinyl
Packaging size: W124 x H156 x D60mm